Friday 26 October 2012

What I learnt today #16

Friday 16 October 2012

Today I had an itchy scalp. 

Consider the following: 

  • As the time goes by from the time of my shampoo, the itchiness of my scalp increases. 
  • My hair is extremely poofy/frizzy immediately following my shampoo. So as the time goes by from the time of my shampoo, my hair gets less poofy and takes on a more human like demeanour.  
See below graph for clarity. 
Graph illustrating hair/scalp properties with time as measured from Shampoo

Considering my particular genealogy, my family has been blessed (cursed depending on how you look at it) with hair of a voluminous nature. I refer to it as poofiness since I'm not in the hair care arena. 

There lies a sweet spot where my hair and scalp are sufficiently clean so as not to have any particular odour or petrochemical properties, while existing in an orderly manner. This is usually two days or so after a shampoo (give or take 12 hours)

Today happens to be about 4 days since my last shampoo, putting me to well to the right of the ideal spot where the blue and red line intersect. I was descending toward the slick hair appearance, and simultaneously ascending to the greasy texture. It was as though after my shower I dried my hair with the base of a brown paper bag that once contained a dozen doubles. 

I find myself playing a delicate balancing act whereby the sweet spot has a fluctuating duration depending on factors ranging from atmospheric conditions to the nature my activity on the day. Sometimes this intersection point last two days, sometimes it is gone in a flash. I've become fairly good at gauging this, so why was I looking like an italian mobster today?

Today being Friday, my propensity is to participate in after work social activity. Even though neither hair condition is desired, if I had to choose I would prefer to have a somewhat orderly look to my filamentous biomaterial, even if slightly naturally lubricated, than have it appear as though a species of bird collected strands of black wire and constructed a nest in which to roost on top of my head. 

Even though I don't consider myself a vain person by any stretch of the imagination, I discovered that I did allow what I consider to be visually favourable to over ride my comfort.

In what ways do you sacrifice comfort for appearance?

I somehow think that given that I have realised that I placed vanity over comfort, something that I would not naturally place in that order, I will be shampooing more often. 

Expect to see me with much more poofy hair in the weeks to come. 


  1. Ever heard of conditioner?? Revolutionary new product that eliminates poofiness!

    1. I have tried them all Shiv. The field of chemical engineering has not risen to the level it needs to be to come up with a formula that can tame this beastly mane I have going on.
      All manner of conditioner with prefixes such as "ultra" and "max" in front of the moisturizing claim have trembled at the feet of my poofy hair.
      I do have a solution though - a crew cut.

  2. Nah, try pantene pro v, either the original formula, or the silky one. It's the only conditioner (and I have tried a gazillion, largely influenced by their fantastic marketing claims and the smell!) that will keep my hair unfrizzed, and soft.
    Now I know allyuh fellas think shampoo+conditioner means yuh using conditioner. Not so, use it separately. Makes a huge difference.
    Crew cut might be aiiight, but I like floppy haired Ian :(

  3. Actually E, i share your experience with my hair. That graph i can def relate to. I think it's the type of hair we have. My hair is always a mess right after washing, a day later... lovely! Two days later, too greasy. And i have used so many different types of conditioners. Dove seems to work a BIT better for me. Lately, i have found a mask called Moroccan Oil and that also works but I usually leave it in for hours (contrary to the instructions which recommends 5 - 7 mins. bleh).

    So E, my advice, try using a leave-in conditioner after shampoo and conditioning. It will, however, caused your hair to get greasy at a faster rate... not sure about odour, but you will feel the need to wash more often.

  4. Wear a hat? Reminds me of your sister (the one with the largest hair in the family) accidentally buying shampoo 'for hair with volume' (forget the exact wording) thinking it was for treating not enhancing large hair.
