Tuesday 23 October 2012

What I learnt today #13

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Today I found myself on the brink of a fairly large change that may occur in my life. My state of mind was pensive, mixed with a bit of anxiety and anticipation. Having little time for a blog today, I will briefly list what I learnt from peering through a slightly ajar door, moments before it is swung wide open:

  • Change, in any form that brings major lifestlye shifts, is scary. However positive and welcome this change may be, just simply deviating from what we have become accustomed to is frightening. Even if what we have become accustomed to is not what we want. There is something comforting about predictability, but it is something in which I don’t want to seek solace.

  • I can only imagine how a change which brings on major challenges can shake someone to their core, if simple and seemingly beneficial change can make me feel so uneasy. Be patient with those going through a period of change, it is not always an easy process. 

  • I don’t want to fear the dark simply because I’m not sure what’s there. I want to feel filled with a sense of adventure and anticipation to discover what I have not been able to see before.

I’d like you to consider embarking on that change that you've been fearful of, and understand that the environment in which you find comfort in its predictability was once a dark cave. You stood at the mouth of that cave once before and stepped forward. Do it again. 

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