Wednesday 10 October 2012

What I learnt today #3

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Today I had a consultation with an oral surgeon as recommended by my dentist.
Apparently, I have impacted wisdom teeth on both sides of my mouth on the bottom row of my teeth.

My appointment was scheduled for 1:30pm, but only saw the doctor closer to 3:00pm. His consultation with me lasted approximately 8 minutes, as timed by my trusty Seiko chronograph.
He first looked at the x-rays taken from my dentist a few weeks earlier, and concluded that all four of my wisdom teeth should be extracted.

Upon inspection of my oral cavity (wearing no latex gloves), the doctor exclaimed “Ah, Good!”.
“Phew”, I thought. Before I could even inhale to breathe a sigh of relief, he followed up with “Good for me, not for you”.......

In my reclined position, I was not properly poised to deliver a roundhouse kick to his little doctor face. My initial thought of delivering grievous bodily harm to this man stemmed from the fact that I felt as though I was viewed as a means by which money can be extracted, pun intended. Forget the massive amount of pain I will have to endure in the days following the procedure, a doctor’s Audi needs premium gasoline! I’m not quite sure his glee would have been as pronounced had the fuel subsidies remained.

The doctor’s words, which unbeknownst to him could have resulted in him being back-hand slapped, taught me the following

  • I am not a violent person

  • It is extremely easy to view a situation only looking at how the outcome affects you, and sometimes, this can negatively affect those around you without even being aware of it.

  •  Even when you perceive something negatively, it is important to understand that there may be other ways in which it could have been received.

When was the last time someone said something that rubbed you the wrong way? Could you have taken it any differently?

Can you identify a time when you may have been selfish with your thoughts, and by extension, your words? Have you identified any ways in which you can be more inclusive?

The answers to some of these allowed an oral surgeon to remain unharmed on this 10-10 October day.


  1. Words of wisdom.... it is always so easy to see how you have been wronged, to wonder how someone could say something they just did...they eh have no kinda sense, how insensitive, rude, fass an outta place, etc. But we never know when we are doing the same because we are never as clued in to other ppl's body language.
    That said, wait till the same doc need an electrical job done nah ;)

  2. E, seriously, this guy had his naked hand in your mouth with no gloves on?!? That is really disgusting, unhygenic and potentially very dangerous for you. You really need to find another surgeon who has some concept for the germ theory and protecting his/her patients from infection. That is nasty.

  3. I LOLd at 'Good for me'. Priceless.
