Thursday 25 October 2012

What I learnt this morning #14

Thursday 25 October

Lesson learnt yesterday:

  • Opening a blog at 11:24pm, and then saying "I'm just going to rest my eyes for a few minutes" results in a that said blog not manifesting itself. 

  • When the body needs sleep, give it. It is the one gift we can present to ourselves that brings supremely  glorious satisfaction that is easy to do and costs nothing. 

  • Falling asleep in a place other than your bed, in a position that isn't meant for the human body other than those with 5th degree black belts in yoga, is still a decent sleep. 

  • Take pleasure in your sleep in the same way you savour a good meal. It really is one of those small things in life that can bring joy when done right, and causes absolute devastation when absent or lacking quality. 

So, after waking up this morning having drooled 1.32 liters of saliva all over myself, I realise that my days have suddenly gotten very filled. And surprisingly, I'm not really bothered by it. Granted, I have no children. I've always had massive respect for those that get lots done and have little replicas of themselves hopped up on sugar running between their legs. So to all of you that reproduced and still manage to, day-by-day, reach closer to the goals you have set for yourself and family - Gold star for you. 

I will think of you when I feel as though I don't have the energy.

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