Thursday 1 November 2012

What I learnt this week #17

Thursday 01 November 2012

I always knew a blog a day was an ambitious target.
I kept it up for longer than I expected, and missing one day is a slippery slope.

It's like any habit. Keep it up and you have momentum. Once it falters, it's a tough task to get it started back as the lull lingers. Since I missed so many days, I thought it worthwhile to do a quick synopsis of my days since the last entry.

Last weekend (43rd weekend of 2012)

Fresh off the heels of the previous weekend's lesson of planning it beforehand, I had one all set. It was a completely filled weekend. I got up before 8:30am on each day. I know this doesn't seem early for most of you, but I really enjoy a late sleep on weekends. Having such a busy weekend, one where everything I had planned was accomplished, has taught me the following:

  • I waste a fair amount of time on weekends. It could be doing something fairly simple. I'd get up and start to read news, both local and international. Then I'd read something that I want to read more on and I do a search. My search results in 49 tabs being opened in a two minute span. Let's not mention if one of the tab includes a youtube video. That has the potential of  extending the research period by hours. I would start off looking at a video of a news clip, and somehow end up watching a series of videos where people film their dogs barking in ways that make them sound as though they are talking. 
  • Getting up early is a good idea on weekends. I'll try to rise even earlier this weekend and see how that goes.
Monday 29 October 2012

Monday mornings are particularly challenging for me. This is partly due to the fact that for a split second after I wake up on a Monday morning, I think it's Sunday. Words cannot describe the emotional roller coaster I go through in the one second after I wake up. 
I can try though: "Ahhhhh....... ohhh dammit to hell". Kind of like that, I guess. 
But in the dynamic balance of yin and yang, I always enjoy waking up on a Sunday thinking it's Monday. Imagine walking into the office and your boss says "Hey buddy, go home and relax. I got this." It's like that, while in bed. Glorious. And the opposite of that is what happened to me on Monday.  
On Monday I did not have a good day. Without going into detail, I seriously contemplated giving up everything and pursing my dream of becoming a professional bush dweller. I can't help but think the attitude that I adopt on Monday mornings directs my mood for the remainder of the day. 

Since Mondays are such a challenge, I will embrace the day from the time I wake. This is my task for Monday 05 November 2012.

Wednesday 31 October 2012

On Wednesdays I have a weekly project status meeting in south. I dislike these meetings very much. In these meetings I sit and try to figure out how my years of schooling and continuing education has led me to this table staring at last week's minutes. It's not that I don't appreciate the need for these meetings. I completely understand the need for various professionals involved in a multi-million dollar project to discuss the progress and resolve problems that arise. What I don't understand is why it needs to suck the very life force that sustains me out though my skin. I swear I come out of those meetings a little lighter. I realised that because I loathe these meetings so much, I avoid anything that has the slightest connection to them......until one hour before the meeting. This leaves me somewhat unprepared for the torturous few hours ahead. It's a negative feedback loop and I'm only adding to my misery. 

Since these meetings make me want to get up and just leave the room, I will dedicate a few hours a couple days before the meeting so at least I am fully prepared. Even though this will not make them any more enjoyable in any way, shape or form there's no need to add to it by being unprepared. This is my task for Tuesday 06 November 2012.

Thursday 01 November 2012

Today I had the task of catching up with my blogs, which I didn't do such a great job doing. Who noticed Tuesday is missing? Lesson learnt today: It's easier to keep up and maintain an already existing habit, than trying to re-start something after a hibernation period. 

Task for tomorrow: Continue blog. 

1 comment:

  1. :)
    Finally!! Thank you.
    I like the tasks. And yes, Tuesday's absence was noted. It was either fairly non-descript or you don't want to talk about it!
