Wednesday 4 September 2013

My groundhog day

Wednesday 4th September 2013

I pull into the office car park at 8:03am, as per usual.
I ascend the staircase to the office front door and wave my wallet in front of the proximity card reader and a familiar 'click' indicates that the lock has disengaged and I can freely push the door to enter. I approach the front desk to sign the now vintage looking attendance register (see blog entry from October 2012 - what I learnt #12). As I input the particulars into the book, I overhear my employer on the phone speaking to a client. It is a conversation I have heard innumerable times.

I look skyward and exhale deeply puffing my cheeks as though I was playing an imaginary trumpet. On this particular day the song was "Taps" in b flat.
This heralded the beginning of my 'groundhog day' moment. I have done this exact routine over and over and the days are a repetition of those previous. This is fine for celestial bodies, but mine is more terrestrial in nature. I was reminded of the movie "Groundhog Day" featuring Bill Murray.

In the film, the protagonist relives the same day for years. No one is aware of his time loop but him. None of his actions, however wild or reckless have any effect on the inevitable reoccurrence of the day's events. He is not even freed from the loop through death. The only thing that carries him past hundreds of February 2nd's is his change of attitude where he uses his knowledge of his now constant environment to improve the lives of those around him.

My own time loop this morning made me think of this movie that I saw so many years ago. Similarly, my actions have no impact on the repetition of the days I have ahead at this particular company. They will simply continue to be, just as the tides rise and fall. What I can do, is change how I consider my days. Instead of simply thinking of how my days affect me personally, I can consider more closely those around me. Instead of being a passive participant in the day's proceedings, I can take a proactive stance with the knowledge I have gained. Maybe by thinking of how I can actively enrich the lives of others, my February 3rd will roll around as it did for Bill.